Course curriculum

    1. Introduction and Overview

    2. Tell us about yourself

    1. Assess your professional network

    2. Assess your skills and be prepared to articulate your skillset

    1. Benefits of working with a career coach

    2. Our personal experiences working with a career coach

    3. What to look for in a coach

    1. Search for opportunities at employers of your colleagues

    2. Strategically attend conferences and professional events

    1. Do your research on companies and organizations

    2. Know the organizational culture

    3. Utilize LinkedIn to connect with company staff

    4. Focus on transferrable skills

    5. Connect the dots for the potential employer

    1. Final Thoughts

    2. Self-care

About this course

  • $187.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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We are happy to collaborate on this project to provide you with valuable resources during these challenging moments in your career, combining our experience and education in a way that displays our coaching styles.